
Our Division Environment, Natural Resources and Energy
The goal of the Environment, Natural Resources, and Energy Division (ENRE) is to apply sound planning principles to the protection, management, and conservation of our environmental, natural, and energy resources.

The division also provides a forum to meet and collaborate with others involved in environmental or energy planning issues.
Letter from the Chair
To our ENRE Division Members and Webpage Visitors,
Welcome and thank you for dropping by! ENRE is the Energy, Natural Resources, and Environment Division of the National American Planning Association. We’re quite excited about the opportunity to collaborate and look forward to working with you.
What is it that ENRE does?
As you might guess from our name, ENRE is devoted to a range of environmental and energy-related areas of planning. Our membership includes environmental planners, resilience planners, energy-systems planners and many other planners who have an interest in these areas.
As a division, our goal is to bring folks together on key planning topics, while also providing training opportunities, and opportunities to network with other like-minded professionals. Some of recent and signature initiatives include webinars, guidance development, strategic planning, and holding networking events. There are always opportunities for our members help. Please let us know how you’d like to be involved.
We’re particularly proud of our ENRE Student Fellowship program. This annual scholarship opens for applications in the fall. We seek students with strong ENRE-related projects being conducted as part of their graduate studies. Information on the fellowship can be found on our webpage.
Why are there so many divisions with similar missions?
Some divisions focus on topics. Others focus on particular geographies or groups of planners. We are a “topically” focused division. Divisions have established themselves over many years. No doubt you will notice the overlap as you explore APA divisions. This happens to accommodate focus areas as they arise in our profession. We see this as a very good thing as we like to stretch across the aisles and work together!
We hope that you enjoy exploring our webpage and we hope that you are inspired to join in. Working together is professionally rewarding and you will meet many great people along the way!
We look forward to our next collaboration!
Jim Riordan, AICP, LEED AP
ENRE Division Past Chair
We are seeking volunteers to expand our Divisions resources. Join us and share your expertise with our membership.